Rocky Paths


Crazy stuff happens in this uncertain life we live. This last health battle made it feel like I was walking on uneven pavement; not sure of my footing…my future.

When you are hurting, (physically, emotionally or financially), it can knock the breath right out of you. Fear and whirling thoughts creep into your heart and mind to the point that impending doom is all you feel. When walking on a rocky path, at first you manage because you are fresh, rested and your focus is clear. Then you start to get tired and your foot slips on one of the pebbles on the road, or your ankle twists. Pain begins and fatigue ensues the further you travel on. We keep pushing through even though we should stop, rest and just wait for help. We can do this OURSELVES!!! Really?

This verse came to my mind so I thought it was worth looking into.

“I waited patiently for the Lord, he turned to me and heard my cry. He lifted me out…he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand.” Psalm 40:1-2

 “Rock is a  word that has opposing meanings. It can mean shaky and unstable—the shocking news rocked my world. It can also mean, solid, strong, and immovable. That is the Rock of our salvation—Jesus.

Wow! Perspective and focus can change everything! Instead of looking at the “rocky” places of your life as obstacles, see them as springboards to becoming more like Christ.

“Although he was a son, he learned obedience through what he suffered.” Hebrews 5:8

As you walk this bumpy road, remember each trial, hurt, disappointment and pain is molding and making you like Christ. Not easy, but definitely worth knowing that narrow way is leading you home.